A downloadable soundtrack

"True Altrusitic Nature" is a game inspired manly by Danganronpa series. OST is made of Experimental, Ambient music.

You're a teenager, who doesn't really like thier real name so everybody used to call you by your nickname "Brykiet". Your life was questionable at best, at least you used to think in that way. Mental health problems, abuse at school, relationships falling apart. But it doesn't matter now.

You just woke up in your flat. Outside of your window is never ending sunset and a small playground with Kiosk nearby. You were living in Eastern Europe so this sorts of places are nothing new to you. Between your legs is a pretty nice looking notebook with a few stickers. Without any hesitations you just opened it. On the first page there is something written on it.

"Heya Brykiet ^^ We're sorry to say it to you but well, you're dying." You're in place conecting two places, life and afterlife. You only have 7 days in your head to... to do what? Say goodby to all your loved ones? Accept your fate? Nuh uh. The notebook tells you to do something worse. At the same block you're there are all of your ex partners. You need to choose one, to replace you in afterlife. If you want to live, you need to sacrifice one of your ex lovers. "I wonder who it's gonna be..."

TAN Is a mix of psychological horror, existential horror and visual novel with surreal elements. Filled to the brim with dark humur balanced with dark subjects and story. Thru out the game notebook tells you to meet with your ex partners in your conected dreams and wrtie informations about then in it. You have 7 days in your head to make your decision, at the last day you need to choose. But... you can only spend time with max two people at one day. And how many ex's do you have? Well, Agatha, Margo, Krystian, Russel and June... It's just unfair. This whole situation is just so goddamn cruel.


HaveYouEverConsideredNotGoingToHeaven.mp3 3.5 MB
FanserviceHeaven.mp3 7.3 MB
I'mFeelingUncomfy.mp3 5.4 MB
TrueAltrusim.mp3 5.1 MB

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